Legal French lessons in France
16 lessons 12 hours/week
- You need to improve your legal French but do not have much time to spare? Why not join the ACCORD Paris Legal French lessons in mini-group four afternoons per week (Monday to Thursday). French and Law in mini-groups customised to the students’ legal profiles.
Legal French Lessons in mini-group: maximum 6 students in a class!
Possibility to book the morning course A in addition to the afternoon Legal French lessons in mini-group to optimise your stay in Paris and to practise your everyday French in our multinational morning classes. This Intensive French Course A at ACCORD French Language School in Paris focuses on developing the four communication skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. This Intensive Course A also invites students to explore the French culture through the use of authentic material and learn related idiomatic expressions in various contexts.
Your French and Law detailed schedule will be given to you at the beginning of your course. Before arrival at the ACCORD Paris school, you will get a written test and a needs analysis by email to confirm your enrolment in this program. - ACCORD Paris: Great school location in the heart of Paris. ACCORD is a high quality French language school accredited by the official “Qualité FLE”. ACCORD French Language School in Paris is member of SOUFFLE. ACCORD French Language School in Paris is member of CAMPUS FRANCE.
- French language courses in Paris, the best way to improve your French language skills in the most beautiful city in the world!
16 lessons/week
One lesson = 45 minutes
12 hours/week
One hour = 60 minutes
Maximum 6 students/class
Maximum 6 students in the Legal French lessons in mini-group.
Course open to all levels, from intermediate to advanced.
Read more about French language levels
Before arrival at the school, you will get a written test and a needs analysis.
Read more about ACCORD tests and language levels
Course Content
Timetable: four afternoons, Monday to Thursday, 14:00 to 17:00
Legal French lessons in mini-group designed to meet the needs of students looking to improve their Legal French.
The Legal French lessons in mini-group are designed to meet the learners’ profile and requirements. Each learner will complete a detailed needs analysis prior to their arrival enabling the teachers to design the course. Interactive exercises, role-plays and case studies will be included in the programme. Examples: Introduction to French law, Constitutional law, Civil law, Criminal law, Corporate law, etc.
The course will be adapted to suit the students’ specific needs and requirements, based on the needs analysis received prior to their arrival.
Depending on the programme and students’ requirements, some visits may be organised, for example at the Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris or at the Tribunal des Prud’hommes or at the Cour d’Appel de Paris.
A certificate will be given at the end of the course.
At the end of your stay you also can take an exam to get the official “Diplôme de langue et culture françaises” recognised by the Académie de Paris, especially if you follow the intensive French morning course A. Exam fees: 50 euros.
2025 Dates
Course open from intermediate to advanced levels.
Dates of the one week Legal French course in mini-group: March 10th to 14th, May 12th to 16th, June 2nd to 6th, October 13th to 17th 2025.
Additional information
- No hidden fees! Course Fees include level testing, teaching materials and end of course certificate.
- Students will be provided with the final timetable for this program on the opening day of the course.
Our recommendation
- During your stay at ACCORD you can ask to add individual lessons at an additional low fee.
- Possibility to book the morning course A in addition to the afternoon Legal French lessons in mini-group to optimise your stay in Paris and to practise your everyday French in our multinational morning classes.
Our French courses for professionals
Business French Course in Mini Group – 32 hours/week
Business French lessons in mini-group – 12 hours/week
Legal French Course in Mini-Group – 32 hours/week
Intensive PLUS Courses (course + individual lessons)
Individual French Lessons
Manager program – afternoon 1:1 course (15 hours/week)
Executive program – (30 hours/week)