FAQ – Summer Campus for Teens and Juniors

ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris FAQ
All-inclusive program for Teens FAQ

Day-student program for Kids FAQ

Where is the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris located?

The ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris is located 19 Rue Victor Hugo, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux. Subway station is “Corentin Celton” on the Parisian metro line 12.

How the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris is officially accredited?

The ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris is registered at the DDCS 75 – Préfecture de Paris, and all the ACCORD staff members in charge of the Teens during their stay have the official BAFA and BAFD degrees (Brevets d’Aptitude aux Fonctions d’Animateur – or de Directeur).

How old do children have to be to stay in the all-inclusive program for juniors on the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris?

Children must be at least 12 years old and under 18.

Who attends your program at the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris?

Children and teenagers from over 25 different countries.

Where does your program take place?

Our program takes place at the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris located 19 Rue Victor Hugo, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux. Subway station is “Corentin Celton” on the Parisian metro line 12.

For all other questions about the French course included in the all-inclusive program please check the page FAQ – Courses for Teens and Kids

What should the children bring with them?

We advise to bring the following along with summer clothes:

  • an electric adaptor
  • a jumper and warm jacket
  • good walking shoes
  • a cap or hat
  • sun cream
  • sporty / comfortable clothing
  • a waterproof coat / jacket
  • trainers
  • your musical instrument (but no piano, please)

Please put your child’s name on all clothes and any other items (camera, tablet, mobile, etc.)

What kind of accommodation will my child be staying at?

The campus offers large and airy 4-bedded rooms with one wardrobe per Teen, and shared facilities. Shared showers and toilets in separate cubicles are located on each floor and all are clean and well maintained.

Bed sheets are provided and changed once a week. Towels are provided.

Boys and girls are accommodated on separate floors with no access between floors.

We make every effort to ensure that rooms are shared with children of different nationalities and of similar age so that they continue speaking French outside of the classroom and make new friends. Parents may request for their child to share with a particular friend and this will be considered but cannot always be guaranteed.

Does my child have to pay a deposit on arrival at the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris?

Yes, on arrival, children must give a mandatory deposit of 100 euros, in cash only. The deposit will be returned in full on departure day (as long as nothing has been damaged). The deposit may also be used to pay for possible medical and pharmaceutical costs.

How does the ACCORD staff take care of the children’s pocket money?

The amount of pocket money children have is up to their family, depending on the duration of their stay and the amount they usually spend at home. Pocket money is meant for personal spending only: phone cards, souvenirs etc. as all entrance fees and transport fees are included in the price of the stay.

On the day of arrival, children can choose to put their pocket money in the school safe or keep it with them. If they decide to keep their pocket money with them, they will have to complete, sign and date a discharge form. However, we strongly recommend children keep their pocket money secure by leaving it in the school safe.

Children can collect their money from the administration team every day at scheduled times.

My child has run out of pocket money. How can he/she get some money from his parents?

The best is to ask the parents to make an immediate bank transfer to the ACCORD bank account, and the child will get the money in cash as soon as ACCORD has received the payment.

Will my child have Wifi in the bedroom?

No, but there is a free WIFI connection on the campus in all the common areas.

Does my child have to pay for the laundry at the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris?

No, at ACCORD there’s no hidden fee and the cost of the laundry is included in the price of the stay!

On arrival ACCORD activity leaders will tell the students which days laundry will be done.
We highly recommend parents to put name and surname of the student on all their child’s laundry and any other items (camera, mobile, etc.).

The school cannot be held responsible in case children lose their personal belongings, if they are damaged or stolen.

In case of an emergency, how can parents contact their child at the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris?

We have a 24-hour emergency telephone number available. The number will be sent to the parents with the enrolment confirmation.

What happens if my child gets sick?

At ACCORD Saint Nicolas Summer Campus in Paris, we have a medical assistant available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When it proves necessary, we will of course take your child to the medical doctor, dentist or the hospital. You will of course be immediately contacted and kept informed at all times. This is why it is very important to give us all your contact details in case we need to get hold of you.

What are the rules and regulation of the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris?

Please download the document from the ACCORD website and read carefully the rules and regulations which are to ensure the safety and security of all the students booked on the ACCORD summer campus program.

Parents and children must sign, date and return this form to the school to certify they have read and accepted the ACCORD rules and regulations.

Please find below two examples of important information, which you and your child must be aware of:

  • children are not authorised to go out unaccompanied at any time during their stay with us,
  • in case your child breaches the ACCORD rules and regulations, your child will be expelled and sent home at your own expense and with no refund.

What happens if parents can’t arrange flights to arrive on Sunday or depart on Saturday?

If your child arrives on a Sunday and leaves on a Saturday, he/she will benefit from our Group transfer.

If you can’t get a flight to arrive on Sunday and a flight to leave on Saturday, contact us immediately as we will have to arrange additional nights for your child on the campus (or at an alternative accommodation) and we will send the invoice for the additional nights and the activities proposed on these days.

What is the UM “unaccompanied minor” procedure?

Parents should check with the airline company (and pay) if your child needs to be treated as a UM « unaccompanied minor ». This means your child will be escorted through Security in the airport of departure and accompanied onto the aircraft by an airline company staff member. On arrival in Paris, your child will again be escorted from the aircraft by an airline company staff member through Immigration and Customs, and will be handed over to an ACCORD « designated person » at the Exit gate. That person will be our ACCORD representative at the airport.

Please note that we will not be able to give you the name of that designated person until a few days before arrival and that this person is not allowed to go to the luggage area to collect your child’s luggage.

We will, however, provide you with further contact information and an emergency contact number. Please contact the ACCORD booking team for more information.

For the return flight, a designated ACCORD representative will hand your child over to the airline company staff member at the airport of departure (Roisssy Charles-de-Gaulle or Orly). The airline company staff member will escort your child through Security and on to the aircraft. The UM regulation also means that the ACCORD “designated person” will stay at the airport for an hour after the flight has taken off as he/she must be able to pick your child up and bring him/her back to the campus in case there is a problem with the flight. On arrival back in your child’s home country, the airline company staff member will bring your child through Immigration and Customs and hand him/her back over to you, the parents at that airport.

Do I need to book an insurance?

Students are advised to take out a Health Insurance and a civil liability insurance for the duration of their stay at the ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris as ACCORD is not responsible for theft, damage or loss of student’s personal effects. Both parties agree that ACCORD is not in any way liable in such circumstances.

The ACCORD insurance policy covers against accidents occurring inside the campus premises, but not for injuries incurred outside the campus. It also does not cover for damages caused to items belonging to the student, be it caused by the student him/herself or by a third person.

Student must send a copy of his/her insurance policy together with any document requested by the ACCORD Registration Department.

If you don’t already have an insurance policy, ACCORD recommends for individuals:
AVI lnternational, an insuarnce company specialising in language stays abroad:
Web site HERE

ACCORD recommends for school groups and closed groups:
Web site HERE

When you contact them, please state that you are attending a program at ACCORD Saint Nicolas summer campus in Paris.